Share Summer Childhood Memories—Create Joy!

Share Summer Childhood Memories—Create Joy!

Mid-July—Summer is in very full swing!!!  Every season evokes memories. As we recall, share, and embellish those memories, they actually change (brain science fun fact). Here’s another interesting characteristic of human memory. When we recall a memory and all its...
Ask Empowering Questions

Ask Empowering Questions

Remember how it feels to be stuck in a rut? Self-doubt, confusion, and frustration rule your thoughts and emotions. How do you move forward when you get stuck writing, creating, leading a team on a new project, solving a problem amidst so many unknowns, managing...
Seven Strategies to Combat Non-Stop Thinking

Seven Strategies to Combat Non-Stop Thinking

H ave you experienced waking up in the middle of the night to a mind replaying the details of yesterday’s disappointment or spinning a narrative about what will go terribly wrong today? Perhaps the answer you wish you had offered to the confused students in your class...
If Urges Left Me, Imagine What I Could Do

If Urges Left Me, Imagine What I Could Do

As the New Year arrives, a collective cultural discussion erupts about wrapping-up the old and anticipating the new. Often that’s transformed into expectations that you consider a new habit for the New Year. If you’ve ever embraced the new-habits energy that blows in...
5 Practices to Counteract Your Negativity Bias

5 Practices to Counteract Your Negativity Bias

Have you recently had negative experiences with students or colleagues? Noticed feeling frustrated around unmet expectations-large or small? Rehearsed any conversations in your head so you can assess them at will when a similar situation arises in the future? If yes,...