You’re facing a daunting challenge that consumes your attention—maybe a sprawling work project, a much-neglected commitment, relationship crisis, terminal illness of a family member, etc. You need something that will bring structure to confusion, light to a mystery,...
Every time you see this dreaded task on your To-Do List you cringe. Something in you says this is pointless “busy work.” Why do you have to do it? No one will read or care about it, you imagine. Feels like a box-checking compliance task that bores you to tears. On and...
Calendars, to-do lists, deadlines, and upcoming events have so often encased me in knots of tension, anxiety, and frustration. After consulting them, I’m quickly overwhelmed with the obligation of it all. I see a bunch of must-dos.Dread takes over.I’m contending with...
Do you spend too much time engaged in decision-making agony? Do you meet even simple choices with exhaustive research, hesitation, and the agony of potential regret? Consider the following three questions. If you hang on to the very end, you’ll discover the pathway to...
Do you ever find yourself struggling to do what you want to do? Do you regularly fail to honor commitments to yourself? Do you frequently second guess yourself or decide when the designated writing, grading, editing, recording, you-name-it time arrives, the time is...
Everyone experiences procrastination—both the enticement it initially offers and then the frustration and regret it delivers afterward. Despite the accusations and negative connotation, procrastination is NOT a character flaw! Rather procrastination is a strategic...
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