Have you noticed when the phrase “positive thinking” pops up, the phrase often triggers a range of reactions? If you scoff at “positive thinking” or if you accept that having a positive mindset is a powerful and authentic tool for success, but not one you’ve managed...
Remember the last time you heard an assertion of defeat such as this? “I’d rather not apply for the job. I likely won’t get it and would rather not waste my time.” That frustration is similar to this piece of cynicism posted on Pinterest: “The best way to avoid...
Remember how it feels to be stuck in a rut? Self-doubt, confusion, and frustration rule your thoughts and emotions. How do you move forward when you get stuck writing, creating, leading a team on a new project, solving a problem amidst so many unknowns, managing...
Do you recall anyone admonishing you with the warning, “curiosity killed the cat”? The warning suggests trouble awaits you on the other end of probing too deeply, investigating outside your purview, meddling, snooping, prying where you don’t belong, and just plain...
Do you spend too much time engaged in decision-making agony? Do you meet even simple choices with exhaustive research, hesitation, and the agony of potential regret? Consider the following three questions. If you hang on to the very end, you’ll discover the pathway to...
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