“Inner chaos (confusion, uncertainty, fear, overwhelm, resistance, doubt) creates the obstacles to confidence and clarity.”
Dr. Janet G. Hudson
You’ve got a bold vision–when you let yourself admit it.
You’ve seen glimpses of it and felt the possibility of contributing to something much bigger than you.
“Inner chaos (confusion, uncertainty, fear, overwhelm, resistance, doubt) creates the obstacles to confidence and clarity.”
Dr. Janet G. Hudson

You’ve got a bold vision–when you let yourself admit it.
You’ve seen glimpses of it and felt the possibility of contributing to something much bigger than you.
Imagine you’re the director who spearheads an initiative that transforms the college experience for first generation students or you’re the attorney who wins a big case that dramatically closes the gender wage gap.
You love dreaming about the possibility of making that big breakthrough, transforming minds about that issue, or eliminating that stubborn problem.
You have crafted some pretty elaborate plans in your head. The energy boost you get when your imagination gets revved up on these possibilities transforms your entire presence, making people around you wonder what thoughts are dancing in your head.
But when it comes to sharing the ideas and telling others about your big desire, you opt for keeping quiet.
After all, it does feel a bit too big or a bit too ambitious to say it out loud to others, especially since you haven’t yet become a director or an attorney.
Plus, you get stuck when you try to move that fabulous idea from your racing mind to your actual to-do list. Sometimes it feels so overwhelming you can’t even put an intelligible sentence together that does justice to the exciting image in your imagination.
You simply don’t know HOW to get started!
Of course, you don’t know how to get started. Who would?
When you’re dreaming big and beyond yourself, you’re going to feel overwhelmed, doubtful, and confused at times. This inner chaos you’re experiencing comes with the territory when you’re a purpose-driven problem solver!
I’m sure you’re aware of the popular decluttering movement, popularized by Marie Kondo. This decluttering idea is all about calming the chaos that exists in your physical spaces.
Imagine taking that same physical decluttering concept and applying it to the inner chaos.
It’s amazing what you can accomplish once you’ve developed the life skill of taming inner chaos!
You can:
Commit to the path of making your vision a reality, even if your vision is a little fuzzy
Move from dreaming in your head to taking consistent action, especially when you don’t have ALL the answers
Make decisions confidently that move you forward, even though fear of making the wrong choice lurks in the background
Work with relaxed focus on projects that inspire you, even when distractions and doubt creep in
Are Confidence, Clarity, & Calm things you want?
Then book a
FREE Coaching Conversation
YOU, if you’re committed to making a difference in your corner of the world. As a leader or aspiring leader, if you desire change, then sign-up and participate in this Win-Win.
Your Win:
Insight and greater clarity about your next steps forward around an opportunity or a current challenge.
My Win:
Living my purpose—facilitating change! Plus, I enjoy sharing the experience and power of coaching with others who might not have experienced it.
Your time. Think of it as investment in our shared futures.
I admit it–
In my early years teaching, I prepared for class relentlessly. I wanted my peers’ respect and acknowledgement of my expertise. I wanted to entertain and inspire students while transforming their world view. I wanted to excel, make my scholarly mark, be loved by students, and meet everyone’s expectations. I wanted to be a real college professor!
While daydreams of being a remarkably inspiring college professor filled my imagination, the reality of life was much different…

What’s Next After You Discover Greater Confidence and Clarity?
- Quit fearing imperfection
- Trust yourself more
- Extend more compassion to yourself
- Laugh at the non-sense your inner critic whispers, or maybe shouts
- Risk experimenting with that long-neglected idea
- Create, Write, Call, Ask, Tell, Leave, or even Accept

Want to Discover Your Path to Greater Confidence and Clarity?
Take this 6-question self-assessment and find out!
It’s quick—less than 5 minutes.
Then you’ll immediately receive the results, tailored for you, with recommended next steps to strengthen and expand your skills with discovering confidence & clarity.
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